Sunday, 24 July 2016

Please Insomnia will you let me sleep.

Insomnia sucks. Especially when it is the middle of the night and you are lying in bed unable to sleep. You are exhausted and desperately trying to get as much rest as you can but still you are just lying there looking up at the ceiling like its suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. You toss and turn but really you just can't seem to get comfortable. Check the time and only 5 minutes have passed since you last checked.

I have recently been put on a medication called Circadin. It is a long-term release sleeping medication. I have reported better nights sleep on this medication. The only problem is how long it affects me. It usually lasts a long time. Probably near twelve hours and I often take my medication later than i should so i spend the morning very tired and still technically asleep as my melatonin levels are still high. It is annoying. I would take it earlier but I never remember. That and i do my best thinking at night time. Hopefully one of these days I will have a good nights sleep free from nightmares and groggy mornings.

I hate Insomnia.

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