Wednesday 13 July 2016

My crazy relationship with Food

Ok. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a crazy relationship with food. I am very picky and can often change my likes and dislikes making it very hard for people to make food for me. Usually though a good pasta is amazing. Pasta is the main part of my diet. I adore the stuff. I always have. I have always been an unusual person when it comes to food.

Vegetables. Oh how I despise them. They are the worst thing in the world. It does not help that I really don't like the colour green. Unless its Olives, The incredible Hulk or Magic Cards. This means my diet is very unhealthy and often limited to basic things you see on a kids menu. Going out to eat makes me panic. Before I go to a place i must have first researched the place, seen a copy of the current menu, emailed them for a picture of what I am wanting to get to make sure it does not have any triggers. For example excess herbs, food touching, weird looking textures, weird colours, whether its on an actual plate. I have seen pictures of people getting their food served really weird so now I freak out at the thought of eating my spaghetti out of a plant pot. I also have to have someone else make the order as when it comes the time to order the food, I freeze up and am unable to speak. My order is often complex and I often feel embarrassed and annoyed at how picky I am. I also do not like it when people feel the need to tell everyone I have autism. I understand why and I would not want it to stop but it can get tiring. You get a sudden wave of self consciousness. Which when you are already in an anxiety inducing atmosphere is not good. Thankfully I usually have my trusted headphones to put music on and ignore the world.

When I first started going to my school I lived off of Ham Sandwiches. It was the only thing I would eat. My school has proper cooked meals. And they are usually fancy and they have salad with their meals and it looks weird and healthy. I hated it. Thankfully now I have expanded my menu of food at school. I now also have pizza and macaroni cheese. So still a long way to go.

I also have a huge sugar tooth. I love puddings and sweets and have a horrible tendency to eat too much. It can be annoying to my mum as when I go to the shop i return with things I am not supposed to have gotten. She can always tell when I am lying though. I cannot lie. It is incredibly hard and people can always tell when i'm telling a fib. So not fun when you are playing two truths, one lie and everyone can tell what the lie was.

So this was my blog post all about my terrible and unhealthy eating habits.

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