Sunday, 18 December 2016

The Rebellious Teen years of the Classical Music Enthusiast

Being a teenager can be tough. It is a time of discovery and opportunities. It is a time to explore your inner self. Many teens go through a time of rebellion where they suddenly become interested in black clothes and punk music.

Now I myself did not go through that phase. Oh no. With me something very different happened. I turned into a pretentious douche bag. I often sat sulking in the corner listening to Bach or Schubert reading long and often quite drab books such as war and peace. I was a snob and looked down at others i viewed as having a lesser intelligence. I often walked with an air of confidence and snobbery. I took every opportunity to show off how i was so very much different to those around me. I had the audacity to wonder why people did not like me. Looking back now I can see why my peers tended to avoid me. I know that my present self would have sneered at such an atrocity. I truly was a bit of a bastard. Too caught up in my own  grandiose.

Anyway i hope you enjoyed me regaling you with the stories of my younger self.  Thank you and Goodbye.

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